lunes, 3 de marzo de 2008


There is way more than a simple class at room 204 D of UVM Campus Hermosillo. This is the assigned classroom for the group 'M' of second semester in the Bicultural course. And as I already said, there is way more than a simple class.
This group is made up by seventeen students, nine boys and eight girl, without mentioning each wannabe member of the group. There is at least something special in each of the students, let's see what is so interesting about this class.
Dominique Aceves; the smallest girl. She turned fifteen in last semester. She is the very perfect example of innocence, or at least she was. With her love, she is always sharing something with every classmate.
Ana Cristina Alvarez (AKA Smiley); the class's mom. Her leadership and huge power to shut up everybody she gives the class a sense of maternity, than even our parents can't give us.
Benjamin Arroyo; the smart boy. He never shares an answer. He has the greatest patience in the world, but not big enough for handling the group's bullies (later talking about them)
Joaquin Cabrera (AKA Pingu, Kikin Ricon); the rich boy. He never wants to get the bill and ever invites us to this place. We all thought he was not a good flirter, until we watch him at the action with Valeria Madrid.
Erika Fuentes; the lover. She loves everybody!
Maria Jose Jimenez; the evil twin. She loves the music, and she is never listened by anyone, at least she is saying something that she doesn't have to say.
This is all up to now. If you want to know more about the interesting II M members please wait for the next entry to come, or leave your questions in this blog.

2 comentarios:

Maria J. dijo...


Mss. Ana Favila dijo...

I didnt get majo´s part either :)