martes, 4 de marzo de 2008

II M ; Second part

Hello reader! It is time to continue with mi writing about group II M, so the next member of the class is:
Fernando Anaya; the dude. He has a unique trauma with flies and is completely in love with his life partner... Sparky!
Karina Limon (AKA la gata salvaje); the dancer. Karina is the one who drives everyone to madness, she certainly sings and dances all day, of course, if she's not flirting with Alan.
Jorge Maldonado; the violent boy. He is well-known for hitting his grandma. He is good at math and constantly intimidates his classmates with weird formulas.
Alfredo Montiel; What can I tell you? I could write a whole book about him :) He spends his time listening 'Hey there Delilah' and realizing his new hobbie: tryng to be a 'diller', but most common is to watch him with his girl (and that would be me ;D). And as his god-daughter Domie says, 'He has no solution.' You would be lucky if you see him outside the classroom.
Adriana Molina (AKA Maca): the mean girl. She likes to shut uo everyone, including mom. She constantly gets late in to classes and always has someone who is visiting her. Characterized by her strong laughter, Adriana was a real surprise in Valentines.
Jose Segundo (AKA Pepis): the thug. He enjoys all kind of music and his cap is really cool :| He likes flirting on Alfredo and sometimes on Benji.
This is all for today, see you tomorrow with the information about the missing students!

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