jueves, 6 de marzo de 2008

II M ; Third Part

So, let's go on with our loved students of II M !!
Anne Murray; the intelectual. She's like our peace girl. She likes reading books and gipsie's stuff.
Alexander Soto; the new kid. He arrived to our classroom in the first week of second semester, he was switched with an un-namable traidor.
Alan Velazquez; the gringoo. He always speaks english. He likes monkeys, peanuts, and running without clothes all over the streets. He is harrased all the time by Karina and sometimes by Domie. He is in love with Benji, and secretly with me.
Ruben Zamora; the emo x_X. He is always depressed. He is well known for his excellent jobs at movie editions and cool acting.
This are all the list members of II M, but it would be incoherent not to mention our wannabe memebers:
Marco Erickson (AKA Peñu); He has no more hair.
Daniel Amaya (AKA Ñoño); He only destroys the classroom.
Ivan Landeros; He loves Karina, Domie and me :) and we love him too.
Carla Millan; She is now almost a real student, she is the only one allowed by teachers.

And we'll never forget Pau and Mariel !! Love you girls(L) !
Itzel Madero; me! I dance and sing with Karina and Domie, never bring homeworks and love being with the fat boy (tam).

This would be all. I am sure you'll love this class if you spend just one minute with us! Have fun, and visit us: 204 D :)

1 comentario:

Mss. Ana Favila dijo...

you really know your classmates :D