jueves, 6 de marzo de 2008

II M ; Third Part

So, let's go on with our loved students of II M !!
Anne Murray; the intelectual. She's like our peace girl. She likes reading books and gipsie's stuff.
Alexander Soto; the new kid. He arrived to our classroom in the first week of second semester, he was switched with an un-namable traidor.
Alan Velazquez; the gringoo. He always speaks english. He likes monkeys, peanuts, and running without clothes all over the streets. He is harrased all the time by Karina and sometimes by Domie. He is in love with Benji, and secretly with me.
Ruben Zamora; the emo x_X. He is always depressed. He is well known for his excellent jobs at movie editions and cool acting.
This are all the list members of II M, but it would be incoherent not to mention our wannabe memebers:
Marco Erickson (AKA Peñu); He has no more hair.
Daniel Amaya (AKA Ñoño); He only destroys the classroom.
Ivan Landeros; He loves Karina, Domie and me :) and we love him too.
Carla Millan; She is now almost a real student, she is the only one allowed by teachers.

And we'll never forget Pau and Mariel !! Love you girls(L) !
Itzel Madero; me! I dance and sing with Karina and Domie, never bring homeworks and love being with the fat boy (tam).

This would be all. I am sure you'll love this class if you spend just one minute with us! Have fun, and visit us: 204 D :)

martes, 4 de marzo de 2008

II M ; Second part

Hello reader! It is time to continue with mi writing about group II M, so the next member of the class is:
Fernando Anaya; the dude. He has a unique trauma with flies and is completely in love with his life partner... Sparky!
Karina Limon (AKA la gata salvaje); the dancer. Karina is the one who drives everyone to madness, she certainly sings and dances all day, of course, if she's not flirting with Alan.
Jorge Maldonado; the violent boy. He is well-known for hitting his grandma. He is good at math and constantly intimidates his classmates with weird formulas.
Alfredo Montiel; What can I tell you? I could write a whole book about him :) He spends his time listening 'Hey there Delilah' and realizing his new hobbie: tryng to be a 'diller', but most common is to watch him with his girl (and that would be me ;D). And as his god-daughter Domie says, 'He has no solution.' You would be lucky if you see him outside the classroom.
Adriana Molina (AKA Maca): the mean girl. She likes to shut uo everyone, including mom. She constantly gets late in to classes and always has someone who is visiting her. Characterized by her strong laughter, Adriana was a real surprise in Valentines.
Jose Segundo (AKA Pepis): the thug. He enjoys all kind of music and his cap is really cool :| He likes flirting on Alfredo and sometimes on Benji.
This is all for today, see you tomorrow with the information about the missing students!

lunes, 3 de marzo de 2008


There is way more than a simple class at room 204 D of UVM Campus Hermosillo. This is the assigned classroom for the group 'M' of second semester in the Bicultural course. And as I already said, there is way more than a simple class.
This group is made up by seventeen students, nine boys and eight girl, without mentioning each wannabe member of the group. There is at least something special in each of the students, let's see what is so interesting about this class.
Dominique Aceves; the smallest girl. She turned fifteen in last semester. She is the very perfect example of innocence, or at least she was. With her love, she is always sharing something with every classmate.
Ana Cristina Alvarez (AKA Smiley); the class's mom. Her leadership and huge power to shut up everybody she gives the class a sense of maternity, than even our parents can't give us.
Benjamin Arroyo; the smart boy. He never shares an answer. He has the greatest patience in the world, but not big enough for handling the group's bullies (later talking about them)
Joaquin Cabrera (AKA Pingu, Kikin Ricon); the rich boy. He never wants to get the bill and ever invites us to this place. We all thought he was not a good flirter, until we watch him at the action with Valeria Madrid.
Erika Fuentes; the lover. She loves everybody!
Maria Jose Jimenez; the evil twin. She loves the music, and she is never listened by anyone, at least she is saying something that she doesn't have to say.
This is all up to now. If you want to know more about the interesting II M members please wait for the next entry to come, or leave your questions in this blog.

Globe's backstage

While students arrived to the theater and they calmly enjoyed their plenty of time, down the stage a billion things were happening.
Down the stage were the staff, teachers and the ones in charge of the opening (including me). Nerves were hunting everybody, but still everybody was in a good mood and the environment was very nice.
The staff and opening participants start arriving since 7:00 am for getting ready for the show. The opening participants were all being maked-up, dressing, rehearsing, and some were even having breakfast.
The time of the inauguration came up. In the backstage everybody was running. The stage was totally alone except for the program conductor, Flavio Valencia, who is also an UVM teacher. The crowd was now full, you could even see people standing. While this places were in a mistery and thinking about the show going on, downstairs, a big circle of students holding up their hands was praying for the opening to be as good as it could. And so it was.
But while everybody enjoyed the opening, backstage was in a really run. Some participants had a double acting, that means DOUBLE DRESSING! For example, three of the dancers of the first part were the cheerleaders at the My Chemical Romance playback. They only got 2 songs for switching clothes, and that was in front of everybody! I was seen in underwear, but the hurry was so big that there was no time for shame.
Hopefully, everything went really good and no technical problems happened. If you were in the crowd, would you think of all these while you watch the show?


In my last entry, I wrote about my expectations about Globe and I gave some information about its contain and its conferencists. Well, the congress has already passed, and let me tell you it was really interesting and fun.
I went there at 7:00 am, since I have a participation in the opening. From that time, students were already arriving although the congress started until 8:30 and many of them had no participation in it but to be guests.
The show started with the inauguration of the congress, which was made by the school rector. When he finished, the person in charge of the program guide, Flavio Valencia, gave the call for the opening to start. The crowd really enjoy it.
So, the first talk was named 'Circo, Maroma y Teatro', presented by David Montalvo. I really like this talk because it was about happiness and stuff that you know that is there but you never get to understand why it is there.
After a coffee break, the crowed received Javier Lara, whose talk was really heartbreaking. This was my favorite part of the congress, since I laughed, cry and reflect about many things. What I liked the most in this talk was a part in which Javier made some students tell their parents that they love them, and I sincerely enjoyed seeing my friends telling that to their parents.
Then everybody went to eat and came back to listen to Marina Huerta, whose themewas quite interesting but she did not knew how to explain it well. I think she could teach us way more than what she told.
Finally, we saw Yordi. I expected more from this talk, I can't say it was not cool, though, but I really waited for more.
I really liked the congress, altough some talks were not that cool. I think all the students are waiting for next year's congress as I do.