miércoles, 22 de agosto de 2007

Everybody with their own lives

Hi everybody, I hope you are fine. First of all, I would like to send a special salutation to all my fans. Now I would like to share with all of you a very special thought I have.
I have been going out steady with a guy, and you already know all that because of paparazzi's and reporters; actually you know a lot about my life, my private life. What is the big deal with my life? , or what is it with famous people's lives ?
There is nothing unusual in my life: I have a job, I have a family, and I have a date, so? Yes, it is nice that fans support us everyday, but it is really annoying when all of you start to "investigate" us. There is no need to know what I do out of camaras, you knew me in television not by presence. It is as normal as watching the neighbors through the window. I am the same person in and out, and I think all celebrities are the same. Please leave as alone. Thanks.

1 comentario:

Mss. Ana Favila dijo...

Excellent work! very polite but with a concrete point