jueves, 17 de enero de 2008

Famous or not...

I have been Yahir's fan since he enter to that reality show at TV Azteca, and as his fan I had followed him all along his singer carreer, even though he is not a stranger to our family; my daddy had some kind of relationship with Yahir's family and with him. That means, I have many opportunities to hang out with him and even some famous friends of his. I have been many times with him; in parties, dinners, car races, and even at his place. Actually he went to my fifteen year-old party and danced and song with me. But my platonic love and admiration for him had never disappeared: I still feel like nervous if I'm going to see him, I buy all of his albums, and of course, I never miss one of his concerts.
Mom and dad are usually in touch with him, so last week I was talking with them and they told me Yahir was getting married. I really got mi life surprise! I mean, who am I to judge his decisions, but, honestly I think his choosing the wrong woman. I see him like one of my friends, my family, I don't know, someone close to me and I really care about his decisions. I definitely not agree with this one.
He is marring his co-star in 'Bellezas indomables', Claudia Alvarez, and I don't like her even a bit. Let's see how long this works, hope not a lot, but I have my best wishes.