miércoles, 27 de febrero de 2008

Congreso Globe

Every year, our school organizes an international congress for students of high school. Some people is invited to give us the presentations about their jobs or just about their lives. This year, we are having as guests for people. The first of them, is David Montalvo who is a young writer and business man. Then we are listening to a woman; her name is Marina Huerta, and she is an interpreter for various movies and cartoons. Javier Lara is another of our guests, and he is the creator of a project that helps sick people to laugh in their last days. Finally, we are having a talk by Yordi Rosado, who is a TV producer and has a radio show.
These seem to be interesting people, and I am sure all the talks will be really enjoying. At the beggining, there is being presented a show, somewhat like 'Playbacks' for the opening. I think it will be really cool, since I have been in all the rehearses due to my participation in it.
There are missing 2 days for the congress to take place, and I can't wait anymore. Let's see how does it go.